In the wake of the numerous sexual harassment claims being levied at former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a six-figure ad campaign has been crafted to portray himself as a victim.
In response, Vera House, a domestic violence advocacy and support group, released a video decrying his actions. Anika Flagg, a member of the survivors network through Vera House spoke to WAER about how Cuomo's campaign impacts survivors.
“Having experienced my own sexual assault, it is important for our voices to be heard and even for those who do not have their voice yet to stand up for them and let them know that these things do occur and that you have support.”
Despite the claims against him, Cuomo still has a number of supporters who stand by him. Flagg said that she believes a number of them haven't had or known someone who suffered sexual violence and can’t understand why it is so painful.
“I feel like the supporters are not looking at the actual victims and what actually happened, having not had that experience they don’t have that understanding, they look at as you trying to ruin someone versus “How are you doing?” ”
In spite of all that he has done, Flagg said that Cuomo can still be accountable for what has happened. To do this she said that he must make an apology to all those he has hurt as a push forward.
“There's always redemption, there's always forgiveness that could occur, but it has to come as a result of being responsible for your actions."
The attorney general’s report found Cuomo did indeed commit acts of sexual harassment but the office decided against prosecution.
Editor's note: This story has been updated to correct a misspelling of Flagg's name.