Computers, cars, phones, and appliances all require the use of semiconductor chips. But lately there’s been a shortage resulting in higher prices. New York‘s U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer is author of the $52 billion federal bill that will provide monetary incentives and research to lure chip companies to the U.S.
Schumer said this is the solution to consumer’s problems and will make the nation more competitive.
“If you want to know why you’ve been waiting so long for a car, why the prices of all these things have gone up, it’s because there’s a shortage of chips. So getting chip production here in the United States, not in China will help greatly reduce our costs,” Schumer said.
Central New York and the Mohawk Valley could expect to see the benefits particularly quickly. Onondaga County has been acquiring additional properties to expand the White Pine Commerce Park in Clay to entice companies. But Schumer's bill may finally bring a buyer.
“We have two large sites ready to get new tech plants that will bring thousands and thousands of jobs each. And the biggest companies in the world are looking at them,” Schumer said.
Upstate New York could become a sort of hub for chip manufacturing which Schumer said will bring more well-paying jobs than the area has seen in decades.
“I think every Upstater should be excited to become something like Silicon Valley, a new tech center for the country. The best is yet to come for Upstate New York,” Schumer said.
Key details of the bill are still being worked out, but is expected to pass the U.S. Senate next week. But if the legislation makes it to the House, Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said Democrats will back even an extended version.