Central New Yorkers might be itching to get out of town for spring break after a year of mostly staying at home. Many states are loosening travel restrictions and reopening as infections drop and vaccinations increase. But, AAA is urging travelers to proceed with caution and follow the safety guidelines. Communications Specialist April Engram says people are planning to travel all over the country.
“We have seen an increase in booking for this summer and later in 2021. Our most popular destination remains Florida out of upstate New York. Second would be national parks out west. Beach destinations also remain popular for the summer.”
Engram adds that traveling should not be treated the same as before the pandemic. She says planning ahead is key.
“No matter your mode of travel, AAA suggests that you check ahead to make sure items such as your hotel is still open. Check for the latest safety guidelines with your airline if you're flying. Check the state guidelines if you’re traveling out of state, if you’re traveling even within your state.” said Engram.
Engram says lodging is a good example of why it’s important to think ahead.
“There are hotels that are perhaps operating at lower capacity. They may have capacity reductions. Certain amenities may not be available such as restaurant dining. That is where it varies hotel to hotel depending on their capacity possibility, how large of a hotel it is, etc.” said Engram.
New York State has already eased some restrictions by lifting the quarantine requirement for domestic travel as of April first. There’s a travel restrictions map with the latest local travel guidelines on triptik.aaa.com.