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On Earth Day, A March For Science Held in Clinton Square

An estimated 1,500 people gathered in Clinton Square to show their support for science. The rally is one of nearly 500 taking place across the country today in alignment with the national March for Science. Organized by New Feminists for Justice, the Undergraduate Association at ESF, and local science-minded citizens, the event hosted a number of speakers. Each took on a different call to action but urged the crowd to remain vocal about their support for scientific research. 

You can hear highlights from some of the speakers below:

Calvin Prothro, Assistant Professor of geology and planetary science at Onondaga Community College

Calvin Prothro urges the crowd to contact their representatives in his speech at the March for Science.

  David Alicia,  Upstate New York Senior Organizing Representative, Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign

The crowd boos Congressman John Katko during David Alicia's speech.

Richard Veenstra, Professor of Pharmacology and Cell and Developmental Biology at SUNY Upstate Medical University

Richard Veentra calls for communities to be energized by their support of science in his speech to the crowd at the March for Science.

 Jamie Sue Bodenlos, Associate Professor at Hobart and William Smith colleges and a licensed clinical psychologist

Jamie Sue Bodenlos stresses the importance of continued funding for research regarding psychological disorders.