Upstate Business Owners Express Costly Consequences to Raising the State's Minimum Wage

Following Governor Andrew Cuomo’s stop in Solvay this week to tout the benefits of raising the minimum wage, Republican State Senator John DeFrancisco and business owners and other groups including Unshackle Upstate are attempting to stifle any enthusiasm for the plan.  They say the plan could really amount to placing them at a disadvantage; which actually would be the reverse of Cuomo and his supporters’ optimism.  If the wage increase is implemented, they say it would ultimately raise their costs so much, some of their lower wage employees could see their hours reduced or risk losing their jobs altogether.  DeFrancisco has been the subject of attack ads on TV by SEIU Local 32BJ casting him with holding a net worth of $6 million dollars.  We caught up with DeFrancisco just as he was being informed about another group swinging punches at him for his opposition of the Cuomo plan.

“… and the Coalition, whatever the hell that is, is now challenging me to live on the minimum wage. Now, what relevance that has to economics, I’m not quite sure? The fact of the matter is… that is not the issue. The issue is economically is what it's going to effect the community and the businesses and the employees of this community. But, that’s the stuff we’re dealing with.”

The Senator answered back with a challenge of his own.

“What I would challenge them to is to respond to all of the arguments that daycare centers, non-profit organizations and all… big businesses, small businesses have raised today. That’s my challenge. Answer the arguments, and then that would be much more productive than to making a cute suggestion that would have no basis in finding a logical solution.”

Many people are beginning to come to DeFrancisco’s aid by speaking out against raising the minimum wage and why they support his viewpoints on the matter such as the Executive Director of Unshackle Upstate, Greg Biryla.

 “Senator DeFrancisco also understands and listens to the people of the 50th (State Senate) District. He doesn’t bend to the wheel of the special interests that are driving this, even though, they are being aggressive in their attacks on him. The taxpayers and employers of Upstate New York are not bottomless ATM’s and they’ve been treated as such for far too long.”

Business owners and non-profit representatives appeared with DeFrancisco at the State Office building in Syracuse today.  Dairy Farmer Marcus Richards of Skaneateles says if the minimum wage is put into place it would drive up his costs so much, he would be forced to install automation to milk cows with robotics.

Dairy Farmer Marcus Richards of Skaneateles he is looking into robatic automation to tend the cows in case the minimum wage happens.
Credit John Smith, WAER News

“…And now the labor situation. How am I able to make a product that can be made in PA paying their labor $7.25 an hour and be competitive trying to sell under the same markets when I have to pay my guys more than double than that. It just doesn’t work.”

So, how much would a $15 dollar minimum wage cost businesses in Central New York?  The Executive Director of the Business Council of New York State Lev Ginsburg claims to know how much of an impact it will have on the local business economy.

“For this statistical area you would be looking at a $600 million dollar increase in payroll costs, annually.”

DeFrancisco called upon businesses owners he met with to continue their message with a grassroots support to help the economy in Central New York.

Unshackle Upstate Executive Director Greg Biryla.
Credit John Smith, WAER News

“Hopefully with the people here today talking to other people, hopefully the pressure will start coming from other avenues, so legislators, even in the Assembly, might be reconsidering their point of view.”

DeFrancisco adds that New York ranks as the 50th worst economic climate in the country. 

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John Smith has been waking up WAER listeners for a long time as our Local Co-Host of Morning Edition with timely news and information, working alongside student Sportscasters from the Newhouse School.