A local fitness club owner is expanding offerings and repurposing its spaces amid COVID-19 realities and is very optimistic even more people will return once they’re vaccinated. Metro Fitness is renovating the DeWitt Club into specialized boutique spaces, offering more ways to gather in smaller groups - to participate in person and virtual classes.
The club also has invested in high-grade air filtration systems. Randy Sabourin says what their members will get to experience in April is a health club membership with a very specific studio experience.
“Whether it be in our Spin Zone, Spin Studio, Fit Zone or our Flow Zone... but, also have access to an indoor track, cardio equipment and weights, dry sauna, locker room and amenities when we’re able to open our amenities and our steam rooms.”
As the seasons change, Sabourin hopes people will find something in the new spaces that best suits their needs. This particular room has new green turf being installed.
“We’re putting in a Golf Zone. This section will be a retractable golf netting. It’s quite large, so you’ll be able to take a full swing and we have lots of members that enjoy golf and in the period of time where you can’t be outside this will be a great area for them to come in and hit balls and chip, putt and drive.”

All COVID safety precautions like temperature checks, cleansing of facilities ,and upgraded air filtration continue to be in place. Most clients abide by six foot social distancing requirements, but Sabourin says occasionally members will innocently walk into someone else’s path.
“We have to encourage people to remind them with our signage but, because of the direction we’re going in, we’re not looking for 2,000 members. The experience members will get here is going to be a smaller community. Members that are interested in more of the studio experience and yet we still have 20,000 square feet of space to allow our members appropriate distancing. So, you feel a little safer in this environment.”
Member Michelle Smith recalls getting back into the gym after it reopened. Her goal was to recover from injuries she endured from running outdoors that really took a toll on her body. Now, she’s injury free.
“I mean everybody has their own reasons for what they choose to do but, for me personally, it’s completely safe… I don’t have any concerns at all. So, if someone is looking to come back… to me, it’s completely safe and I would recommend it, if they’re looking to get back into a gym.”

Metro Fitness’ Owner Sabourin says when fitness clubs across the state were ordered to shut down by the state, the decision wasn’t based on COVID case cases in clubs. He says they haven’t had a single contact tracing case that he is aware of.