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Afro Futures: Trevor Smith of Reparations Daily (ish)

On this week's episode of Afrto Futures, Yusuf Abdul-Qadir is chatting with Trevor Smith. Trevor is a writer, researcher, and strategist focused on the topics of racial inequality, wealth inequality, reparations, and narrative change. He is currently the Director of Narrative Change at Liberation Ventures, a field builder fueling the movement for Black-led racial repair, where he is building a “Reparations Narrative Lab.”

Trevor shares how the heritage of his parents influence his work, why the need for reparations extends well beyond the United States, and what real change looks like in 2022.

Afro Futures is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Music in this Episode:

'Dream Big' by Audiobinger is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0