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Rep. John Katko offers take on Democratic and Republican Parties after National Conventions

WAER FIle Photo

  Congressmember John Katko feels the Republican National Convention offered hope and promise for the country in the face of significant challenges and deep division.  He watched the final night remotely because he didn’t believe the large gathering should have been held during a pandemic. Katko says his voting record shows that he doesn’t always agree with the President, but adds that Democrats are swinging too far left and negative. 


   “The democrats’ was filled with anger. Hatred is too strong of a word for the president. I understand the president rubs a lot of people the wrong way with his personality, but there seems to be much more venom and much less vision.” 


Katko criticized both parties’ conventions for containing too much hyperbole and fluff.  In terms of substance, he feels what the republican majority has accomplished with President Trump for nearly 4 years is positive, despite the tone set from the top.  Katko says the alternative from democrats doesn’t look good. 


     “What they want to do with medicare for all, they said they’re going to raise taxes. They’re absolutely going to raise taxes as much as 4 million dollars. That’s a fact. They want to repeal the tax reform that jump-started our economy. They’re going to rework the trade deals to become more apologist. We could easily go back to the days where ISIS is sawing off heads of reporters on TV cause we’re pacifist overseas.” 


Meanwhile, the pandemic continues with more cases and deaths every day, and Katko says no one person is to blame for how it’s been handled.  But, he says he’s called out the president when he’s painted too rosy of a picture about the pandemic.