They're trying to avoid a repeat of 2022 legal debacle over Congressional district lines. The bill was sponsored in the assembly by Syracuse-area Assemblymember Bill Magnarelli.
The vote, led by Democrats, clears the way for petitioning for the June primaries that started on Tuesday.
Democrats on Monday rejected maps approved by the state's bipartisan redistricting commission earlier in the month. Republicans say the new lines favor the other party.
Democrats in the New York State Legislature today Monday rejected new congressional district maps drawn by a bipartisan redistricting commission. Republicans condemned the vote, saying Democrats are trying to gain political advantage.
With control of the House of Representatives likely in the balance, Democrats who lead the Legislature have not signaled publicly what they intend to do.
The independent redistricting commission is preparing once again to draft new congressional maps after the state court of appeals in December ruled that the lines be redrawn.
Maxwell School Professor Grant Reeher questions the reasoning behind the 4-3 ruling by the Court of Appeals.
The court ruled in a 4 to 3 decision that the state’s Independent Redistricting Commission must be given another chance to redraw the state’s congressional districts for the 2024 elections.
The primary election isn't until June but elections officials are making voters aware that the location to drop their ballot may have changed.
The commission cites data and public support as the reasons why they felt compelled to make Syracuse's first majority-minority district.