Two Indigenous women in Syracuse say they believe Native American Heritage month is worthwhile, though they share thoughts that public awareness efforts don't go far enough.
In a first-of-its-kind position in American Higher Ed, Diane Schenandoah incorporates Indigenous principles into her healing work with students.
On this episode of The Land You're On, we hear Description of roles within a matriarchal culture and the Haudenosaunee influence on the American Women's Suffrage Movement.
The state Department of Transportation worked with the Onondaga Nation to craft an image of the Hiawatha Belt that adorns the side of the bridge.
This ancient traditional welcoming occurred whenever visitors appeared in Haudenosaunee villages.
A new agreement between the United States, the State of New York, and the Onondaga Nation puts 1,023 acres of land back in the hands of Indigenous people.
Most Central New Yorkers know lacrosse originated on the shores of Onondaga Lake thousands of years ago with the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. But many might…
Leaders and citizens of the Onondaga Nation were among members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy in Canandaigua Tuesday to commemorate the 220th…