About 60 residents gathered at the Dunbar Center as blowback continues about a now-suspended agreement between SHA and SUNY Upstate to replace public housing with an optometry school.
The NYCLU has led the movement, which contrasts with the City of Syracuse's desire to take ownership of the land and control future development.
The challenge is the city is reluctant to release information to the public about police-citizen interactions.
The New York Civil Liberties Union released its first set of data after reviewing 70,000 vehicle and pedestrian stops.
Judge Gerard Neri ordered the state to submit a supplemental environmental impact statement to justify the removal of the viaduct and replacing it with a community grid.
The case has been in the courts since 2020. The city could still appeal to the state's highest court.
Micron is investing hundreds of millions into a community development fund for the region. Meanwhile, Syracuse officials are considering a new shuttle for employees.
The city first began the process of overhauling of its land use plan more than four years ago.
New York Civil Liberties Union jumps through hurdles in court to gain access to city police disciplinary records after submitting public records request.
owners and workers Sergio Navarrete, Congressman Lee Zeldin, and many others spoke against this proposal. The Board will meet and finalize the plan on September 6.