How likely is it that CHIPS manufacturers will come to Central New York now that the $52 billion CHIPS Act has been fully passed on Capitol Hill? Randy Wolken, the president of the Manufacturer’s Association of Central New York, thinks the federal funds will lead to at least 30,000 jobs in the US and billions in investments.
“We have to reclaim for the supply chain-related, all the things that chips go in, a US presence. So, the reality is that all of the pieces have come together. White Pine is ready. We’ve been entertaining prospects. I would expect this to be massive win for New York State and Upstate," Wolken said.
Wolken feels White Pine Commerce Park in Clay is one of the best sites in the country and a big semiconductor manufacturer will definitely want to locate there.
“Once the investments start to happen and New York State is a prime spot for it. Not just here in Central New York, but the rest of the State too. I would be shocked if we don’t get some really large investments in,” Wolken said.
Wolken says other high tech companies could also follow their lead and trigger other investments.
“5G, they use chips. The reality is that all of the supporting companies, the supply network, and those who actually use chips will also want to be here and also throughout New York,” Wolken said.
He says the workers in semiconductor plants will likely consist of high paying jobs for local residents. The positions will likely be technicians making semiconductors with high school diplomas and on the job apprenticeship training. Wolken says there will also be a great need for engineers. The CHIPS Act now awaits President Biden’s signature. Congressmember Claudia Tenney of Utica says in a statement she feels the legislation contains loopholes and lacks safeguards that could benefit China.