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CNY health organizations spread awareness about the growing opioid crisis

Helio Health
Vehicles park in front of the brick Helio Health recovery center on Hickory Street.

A moment of silence was held Wednesday morning at Helio Health’s Recovery Center in Syracuse to remember family members, loved ones or friends who have died because of a drug overdose. Katelin Arnold, the program director, led the group's moment of silence to mark National Overdose Awareness Day, which falls during awareness week and month.

"To remember those we've lost if you could hold your heart in your hand and light your candle and just take a brief moment," O'Donnell said.

The group held purple hearts bearing the names of their loved ones. People with addiction issues or those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one come to the Recovery Center for support, O'Donnell said.

"It's a facility that's open seven days a week, 365 days a year, and we're just here to support anybody in recovery, whatever that means for them. We have groups, we have a lot of different activities throughout the month, and just a safe space to be," she said.

Helio held free Narcan training at the center at 714 Hickory St. Other community partners in Overdose Awareness Week activities include ACR Health and Prevention Network.

John Smith has been waking up WAER listeners for a long time as our Local Co-Host of Morning Edition with timely news and information, working alongside student Sportscasters from the Newhouse School.