While some Central New Yorkers seek out those final gifts as the holiday shopping season winds down, other families are struggling to provide their babies with the basics, including diapers.
Founder of the CNY Diaper Bank, Michela Hugo, said diaper need is often overlooked at any time of the year.
"Most people take for granted that people have diapers for their babies," Hugo said. "It's such a basic need. It's something babies can't go without. They need them to stay healthy. The fact is, they're really expensive, and they're not covered by any government assistance program. Families really struggle to keep up with the expense."
Hugo said families on limited incomes tend only to have enough money to buy a small pack at a time, which increases the cost per diaper versus buying in bulk. She said the Diaper Bank tries to fill the gaps and reduce the stress on families.
"They have nowhere else to go," Hugo said. "We know that it makes a difference. When they get diapers, they can pay for food, pay a bill, cover a transportation cost. It frees up resources so they can use their money for other things and at least relieve the burden of knowing they don't have enough to get through the month."
Hugo said they distribute about 180,000 diapers a month and are approaching two million for the year. Still, she said, the Diaper Bank can never meet the full need. Inflation means more families are struggling to make ends meet. Hugo hopes people remember those who are genuinely in need this holiday season.
"Fortunately, a lot of people think about giving at the end of the year," Hugo said. "They want to give. It's the season of giving. I guess there's always that little drop-off after the end of the year, at the start of the new year. We're always working to find ways to bring it to people's attention year-round."
The diaper bank is trying to double its donations through a $10,000 matching grant from the Allyn Foundation, which will help purchase a truckload of diapers.