Some Central New Yorkers might still be a little hesitant about going to Destiny USA following some isolated crime related incidents in recent years. But mall management and police say things have improved. Yesterday, we told you how license plate scanning cameras placed at mall entrances are performing. Mall general manager Michael Gately says they’re looking into new AI security technology currently being used at other malls.
“…Some of those shopping centers of our size and other places are using AI technology on their interior cameras and exterior cameras too, not just the flog. So that's something we're currently evaluating just like anything else in terms of what's new.”
Gately says the mall takes safety and security seriously, the same way they want their own employees to feel comfortable while they work and when they bring their families. Syracuse Police Lieutenant Matt Malinowski serves as the police detail coordinator, and feels the mall is safe.
“Very small chance that anything will happen. When you come throughout the property, you’ll see that we have police onsite when the malls open. So if you call 911, there’s going to be a cop here. You can see the private security team that roams around. We’ve seen a significant investment in their camera systems, the license plate readers. So, all around all these tools are going in to try to make the mall safe.”
Malinowski adds his family shops at the mall. He encourages those who haven’t visited in a few years to give the mall a try again.