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Holiday meal prep in Central New York amid rising food recall concerns

Central New Yorkers preparing holiday meals with a backdrop of food recalls, including Kraft Singles cheese and Hillshire Farms sausage, symbolizing contamination concerns. Some consumers appear worried, while others appreciate transparency and quick action from companies. The background includes icons of the CDC and FDA, representing foodborne illness statistics and recall alerts.
Kat Kollins with Microsoft Copilot AI
Central New Yorkers preparing holiday meals with a backdrop of food recalls.

As Central New Yorkers prepare holiday meals for family and friends, a recent Civic Science report reveals 81% of Americans are worried about food recalls. In New York State, recent recalls include Kraft Singles cheese for a packaging defect and Hillshire Farms sausage due to bone fragment concerns.

The CDC estimates that foodborne pathogens cause nearly 10 million illnesses annually in the U.S., and experts recommend staying informed to prevent illness. The FDA's recall alert page is available at Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts.

Kat is WAER's anchor/producer, delivering local news content and hosting NPR's "All Things Considered." She excels in creating engaging long-form content, managing promotions, and leading audio editing projects. Kat is also instrumental in converting daily news content into digital formats for distribution on