The second New York State legislative leader to be convicted by federal prosecutors has had his conviction overturned on appeal.
A three judge federal appeals court panel rescinded the conviction of former State Senate Leader Dean Skelos and his son Adam, who were convicted of extortion and bribery in an alleged scheme by the elder Skelos to use his political influence to steer work and award a no-show job to his son.
Prosecutors say they will retry Skelos.
Both father and son were sentenced to prison terms, but have remained free on bail as they awaited the appeal result.
It is the second time in recent months that the conviction of a former legislative leader has been overturned on appeal. Former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver also saw his conviction on bribery and kickback charges. He is also facing re trial.
Both former legislative leaders benefited from a U.S. Supreme Court case that reversed corruption charges against former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife. The court ruled that federal attorneys had interpreted the theft of honest services law too broadly, and it raised the standard needed to prove wrong doing by a government official.