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Cool Jazz Countdown on HD2 Jazz 88
Wednesdays at 1 AM and 2 PM

Cool Jazz Countdown is a 1-hour weekly show, highlighting the Top 10 Jazz Albums of the week based on jazz charts, listener feedback and local radio airplay. With tight copy, good production values and balanced co-hosting, Cool Jazz Countdown is a real service to jazz lovers with hectic schedules, helping them stay on top of all that’s new in jazz releases and reissues.

Hearing new music is one of the predominant reasons that listeners tune into broadcast radio despite the many options in today’s media landscape — and Cool Jazz Countdown super-serves listeners’ desire to stay in-the-know about recorded jazz.

From mainstream, to contemporary to the new collaborations of jazz & soul, Cool Jazz Countdown covers it all. The hosts also provide biographical thumbnails about the featured artists and sidemen on the recordings, as well as occasional clips of artist interviews.

Cool Jazz Countdown is a production of TenShare Media and TVM Productions. Co-Host Marcellus Shepard a 20 year radio veteran is also the Program Director at jazz station WEAA (Baltimore), and Kyle LaRue (a former WEAA Program Director and radio mix show DJ) are both well-versed in the music as well as what makes for a successful, user-friendly program.