A new budget of $3.5 million will be set aside to bring higher internet sped to low income households, installed by CBN Geneva.
City Arborist Steve Harris hopes to push forward the city's plan for neighborhood tree equity by using the $2 million set aside from the ARPA.
The new program aimed at revitalizing the city’s neighborhood business corridors using federal pandemic relief funds will range from $10,000 to $10 million.
The Walsh administration’s big push to build new affordable housing in the city took another step forward Monday. They also approved federal pandemic relief funds for a series of items, including an assessment of the city’s gun violence prevention efforts.
The city plans to officially implement the Lead Ordinance in 2022 to prevent youth from being poisoned by lead paint in homes.
Small business affected by the pandemic may be eligible for any of three lending programs offered by the city.
The Syracuse Common Council approved the mayor’s plans for a new funding for parks, public safety, and digital infrastructure.
In this episode of Syracuse Speaks, we look at how the City of Syracuse and Onondaga Count are spending and planning to spend the millions of dollars they received from the American Rescue Plan Act.