The utility released a proposal in May that sharply increases gas and electricity rates. They're under review by the Public Service Commission.
The company is requesting a 15 percent increase in electricity delivery rates and 20 percent for natural gas by 2025. NYS regulators will scrutinize the plan over the next 11 months.
One of them is a bill that would extend the state’s ban on natural gas fracking. It's heading to Governor Kathy Hochul’s desk after the State Legislature acted recently to prohibit using liquid carbon dioxide to extract the gas from shale rock.
It would, among other things, discourage natural gas hookups to new homes by eliminating a practice known as the 100-foot rule.
With winter fast approaching, central New Yorkers will be happy to hear that they’ll likely pay less for energy costs compared to last year. National Grid…
A coalition of labor and business leaders and State Lawmakers are working to expand natural gas to balance New York State's energy needs as well as meet…
If the cooler nights don’t already have Central New Yorkers thinking ahead about cold weather, National Grid released its pricing forecast for the Winter…
A group of state lawmakers is teaming up with environmental groups to ask Governor Cuomo’s administration to ban the use of waste water from hydrofracking…
Cayuga Power Plant Converting to Transmission Alternative As Plans to Repower to Natural Gas is AxedThe Public Service Commission (PSC) has nixed a plan that would have extended the life of a Cayuga County coal-fired power plant. In 2012, the owners of…
Elected officials from Central New York and statewide are calling for an extended moratorium on hydraulic fracturing after they say mounting scientific…