The New York State Comptroller is out with a report on the state’s unemployment insurance system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
New York State’s Comptroller is authorizing the state’s Attorney General to begin a potential criminal probe of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s book deal, looking…
A report by New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli finds that New Yorkers gave $26.6 billion more in tax money to the federal government than they got…
Governor Andrew Cuomo began his third term in office with a speech at the historic site of Ellis Island, where the ancestors of millions of Americans…
Republicans in the State Senate say that, despite the over $4 billion structural deficit, taxes need to be cut further and a property tax cap must be made…
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is bringing charges against a former portfolio manager in the state’s pension fund, saying he accepted bribes from two hedge…
The state’s Comptroller has a plan to reduce corruption in the awarding of economic development contracts that has led to the indictment of several former…