WAER’s staff of reporters has been covering the election through the COVID-19 pandemic, the fight for racial justice, and the fiscal challenges on local and national levels--for months. We talk to our reporters on what they've heard throughout the election cycle and what they heard at the polls on Election Day.
Expanded voting in New York State made it easier than ever to vote, resulting in record turnout. A combination of absentee ballots, early voting, and election day votes pushed Onondaga County to over 225,000 voters.
Results may not be known and certified for well over a week. Ahead of any results, WAER's news team looks at how we voted, who was running, and what the future could hold.
This special live Election Night edition of Syracuse Speaks features reporting by Scott Willis, John Smith, James Corrigan, Evan Beebe, Mary Rand, Kyle Chouinard, and Yasmn Nayrouz.
Have an idea for Syracuse Speaks? Email producer Kevin Kloss kfkloss@syr.edu