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SCSD Distributes Take-Out Meals; Cars Stream Into Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Site

Scott Willis

The Syracuse city school district began offering free bagged breakfast and lunch for pick-up Tuesday at nearly three dozen Syracuse schools, community centers, churches across the city.  WAER’s Scott Willis made a quick run around town to stop by a few of them.

The meal sites are part of an effort to ensure kids who count on the meals at school are able to eat while schools are closed.  I found Karen Stone with district food services handing out bags at Ed Smith School on the city’s near east side.  She and other staff put together 140 meals.   Fourteen had stopped by as of closing time at noon. 

"I think once more people hear about it, more kids will come.  They might be prepared right now, but maybe in a week from now, they won't be as prepared."

Meaning, families might be running low on food at home.  Food Services worker Mary Sereluca worked overtime making extra meals.  She says it’s a frightening time for everyone…

"I'll tell you the truth:  I'm really scared.  But, they asked us to work, and I'm blessed to work to help out the kids and make sure everyone has eaten.  We all came together, and we'll pull through as a community.  It's working out great."

I also stopped by the Westcott community center where staff told me they had handed out 12 of their 22 meals, and expected the number to go up. 

Credit Scott Willis / WAER News
The Mary Nelson Youth Center handed out all 60 meals it received on Tuesday.

At the Mary Nelson Youth Center on the south side, Rosalynn Williams greeted me as I walked in.  She says they handed out all 60 meals they received.

"I told the kids...if you see anybody else, send them here.  Send them to grandma!  You have to eat."

Williams says the neighborhood seems to be doing OK, though she says some kids are understandably scared.  She worries more about the time away from school.

"Who's going to teach them?  Some of the parents don't have the time, don't want to take the time.  The main concern is how are kids going to learn when they're out."

Schools across the county will be closed until at least April 14th.  The meal sites are open from 10 to noon Monday through Friday.  Late Tuesday, SCSD modified the feeding sites.  See the list below:


Wednesday marks the third day of testing for COVID-19 at the Syracuse Community Health Center on South Salina and Taylor Streets.  WAER’S Scott Willis stopped by the parking lot Tuesday where a steady stream of cars was passing through.

Credit Scott Willis / WAER News
Police officers help direct traffic in the parking lot of the Syracuse Community Health Center as staff conducts tests through car windows.

"There are two lanes of cars pulling up to blue tents, where staff wearing protective masks and clothing administer tests through car windows.   Police are on scene here to make sure everything goes smothly.  There are probably a half dozen officers standing by.  All of the patients stopping at the center have an appointment.  This is not a walk-up...or drive-up as it were, clinic."

Patients who believe they have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 such as fever, shortness of breath, and a cough are encouraged to call their doctor first, or the regional triage hotline at (315) 464-3979 to determine if a test is needed.  If you’re tested, the county has ordered patients to return directly home and remain there until the results are known. 

Scott Willis covers politics, local government, transportation, and arts and culture for WAER. He came to Syracuse from Detroit in 2001, where he began his career in radio as an intern and freelance reporter. Scott is honored and privileged to bring the day’s news and in-depth feature reporting to WAER’s dedicated and generous listeners. You can find him on twitter @swillisWAER and email him at