Adriana Loh
ReporterAdriana Loh is a graduate student in broadcast journalism at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Communications and shares reporting time at WAER Public Media. Her career goal is to cover Character-Driven stories, Investigative News Pieces, and Entertainment News. She hopes to accomplish her writing skills and find creative ways to provide natural sound. In doing so she can effectively make listeners feel like they are there with her, based on how well her storytelling is through its audio.
Central New York school districts now may apply to receive a portion of $50 million in state funds on improving mental health services.
The spot in Oswego says demand has grown during the pandemic.
Back in the 1980s, the center received an estimated 1,400 calls a year. Now it answers about 50,000.
New York State plans to invest $100 million into crisis stabilization centers hoping to reach more people with substance abuse disorders.
With the return of in-person learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic, medical students are left with a more important role.
A Syracuse Housing Program, Freedom Commons, helps people coming out of prison to get education, employment, substance abuse help, and more, while offering safe, affordable housing. The program run by the Center for Community Alternatives is staffed in part by people who have served jail time themselves, and help residents keep from falling back into criminal habits that increase recidivism.