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Anthony Davis

Born and raised in Syracuse, Anthony Davis was a rising senior at Institute of Technology at Syracuse Central (ITC) when he interned at WAER in the summer of 2023.

In his words: My love for sports always seemed like it would be a side hobby, but finding a path in the media industry to turn that love into an actual career is a dream come true.

My goal is to grow my name so I can have the resources to give back to the generations that will come after me. I want to inspire people to not be afraid to use their voice and that their voice matters. I believe there will be a huge wave of strong-minded journalists to come, including myself. As I grow throughout my career, I want to make a foundation for people that come after me to be able to look up to.

At ITC, I am the basketball announcer for all of our varsity games and co-anchor of the Tech News Cast, including for the Christmas and Halloween specials.

I am a graduate of 2022-23 Syracuse Journalism Lab.


2023 CNY High School Film Festival
1st Place in the in the Documentary Category for ''Understanding Islam''
2nd Place in the Sports Documentary Category for “ITC Basketball 2022-23