How might the Democratic National Convention that just wrapped up impact local elections here in Syracuse? Congressional Candidate Dana Balter says the…
The most expensive race in the history of the 24th congressional district ends today. All told, republican incumbent John Katko and democratic challenger…
The first fight over a late entry of a Democratic Congressional Candidate in the 24th District has been settled by the State Board of Elections. Juanita…
The support of two of the most prominent women in New York politics helped Colleen Deacon secure the nomination for the 24th congressional district in…
In the 24th Congressional District Republican John Katko is running unopposed for his party, however there are plenty of Democratic candidates ready to…
Republican Congressional Candidate John Katko Thursday tried to clear the air about any confusion or misconceptions about his support for senior citizens.…
Does Joanie Mahoney see some of the same qualities as former Congressmember James Walsh in Republican John Katko? Standing along the shore of Willow Bay…
Most Central New Yorkers are probably keeping an eye on the price at the gas pumps as we head into the holiday weekend. The Republican Candidate for the…