The NYS Quitline goes fare beyond a phone number. There's also a website, text service, medication, counseling, and other resources.
James sued JUUL in 2019, and reached a $462 million multi-state settlement in April 2023.
New York State offers a wide variety of resources, which can also connect people to medication.
Common councilors are expected to vote on the measure Tuesday.
Tobacco Free CNY Reality Check hosted a summit which educated youth and helped equip them with the knowledge to help others and spread awareness about youth tobacco use.
The FDA was set to finish reviewing all applications for vaping products earlier this month but asked for an extension to review bigger players on the market.
With so much focus on one health crisis, you might have missed important changes on another health front. New laws are trying to keep people from nicotine…
The dangers E-cigarettes pose to young people are not fully known. But deaths and hospital visits due to vaping are raising concerns among parents and…
The Upstate Poison Control Center is providing a look at a wide-range of poisoning situations that certified specialists handled in 2019. Some of the more…
Fifth graders at Delaware Elementary School paraded down their hallways Thursday holding signs with anti-tobacco messages and chanting "Be Smart! Don't…